The jason bourne movies
The jason bourne movies

Who better than an assassin who had no memory of his past and, seemingly, no future to embody an apocalyptic world in which every conspiracy theory seemed to be coming true? Jason Bourne, the man with a target on his back being hunted down by his own one-time bosses, seemed to be the perfect answer to an America under attack from regimes it had once promoted and sponsored. Twenty years on, Bourne and the world seem to be made for each other.

the jason bourne movies

It was finally released in 2002 when paranoia in America was at its peak. In fact, the first movie in the series was ready even before 9/11 happened in America. By the time Hollywood wanted to adapt him, the world had changed. A Vietnam War veteran, he was hired by the Central Intelligence Agency as a killer, until he became too hot to handle and had to be retired. Jason Bourne, as he was written by Robert Ludlum in the 1980s, who came to define airport bestsellers, was part of that tradition. As a Vietnam War veteran, he would go from conflict to conflict, killing as he was told. It made Sylvester Stallone a global star.

the jason bourne movies

Hollywood Westerns capitalised on this fascination with these no-name cowboys and later movie characters such as Rambo, a popular movie fran­chise in the 1980s. No one quite knew their names or where they came from. AMERICA HAS A long history of outlaws, beginning with Billy the Kid, usually gunslingers who would ride into town and shoot at someone’s will.

The jason bourne movies